Trains from Mumbai to Tirunelveli
Are you looking for Mumbai to
Tirunelveli trains? You can choose from a large number of trains running
regularly on this route. Mumbai to Tirunelveli trains is considered to be the
most preferred and efficient mode of transportation for commuting between these
two cities. There are frequent daily trains that run between these cities. On a
weekly basis, there are 8 trains running between Mumbai and Tirunelveli. To get
accurate information regarding Mumbai to Tirunelveli trains, Mumbai Tirunelveli
Railway Timetable, and Mumbai to Tirunelveli Train Fare, you can visit the IRCTC
app or website. You can also book your train ticket online through IRCTC in a
few steps. The user-friendly interface, easy booking process and attractive
offers on train ticket booking help the travellers in booking their tickets at
the most reasonable prices. You can also do tatkal train ticket booking for
Mumbai to Tirunelveli Trains through IRCTC.
Mumbai to Tirunelveli train timings
and fare are the two main factors that compel travellers to opt for Mumbai to
Tirunelveli Trains for a hassle-free journey. TEN Humsafar is the fastest among
the Mumbai to Tirunelveli Trains. It departs from Mumbai Central Railway
Station at 04:30 and arrives at Tirunelveli Junction at 11:30, covering the distance
in just 1d 7h 0m. While looking for an early morning train from Mumbai to
Tirunelveli, you can choose to travel via BHUJ BRC Special. It takes 1d 7h
15m to complete the journey, starting from Mumbai Panvel Railway Station at
04:30 and reaching Tirunelveli at 11:45.
The first train from Mumbai to
Tirunelveli is TEN Humsafar departing at 04:30 from Mumbai Panvel Railway
Station. Some popular weekly trains on Mumbai to Tirunelveli train route are TEN
Humsafar. Every Sunday TEN Humsafar departs from Mumbai at 04:30 and arrives at
Tirunelveli at 11:30 covering the entire distance in 1d 7h 0m.
TEN Humsafar has
the lowest fare starting from Rs. 1860. It departs from Panvel Railway Station
at 04:30 and arrives at Tirunelveli Junction at 11:30. The boarding station for
all Mumbai to Tirunelveli trains are the Mumbai Dadar Central Railway Station,
Panvel Railway Station while deboarding at Tirunelveli can be at Tirunelveli
Junction. For all of the trains running on this route, you can check the live
train running status , running history and PNR status on the IRCTC
app and the website. IRCTC in collaboration with Indian railways also offers
IRCTC registration and signup through its IRCTC Create User Id page.
The stations are well-connected with the rest of the city with easy conveyance
options. The Mumbai to Tirunelveli train route witnesses regular rush of travelers.
However, the large number of trains on this route provides direct and easy
connectivity catering to the needs of all types of travelers.
Trains from Mumbai to Tirunelveli
1. Nagarcoil Express 16351. DR 12:20 Mumbai Dadar Central Railway Station.
2. Nagarcoil Express 16339. DR 12:20 Mumbai Dadar Central Railway Station.
3. BHUJ BRC Special 09458.
4. JAM TEN Express 19578.
5. Tirunelveli Express 11021.
6. TEN Humsafar 19424.
7. HAPA Tirunelveli Superfast Express 12998.
8. Dadar TEN Express 22629.
2. Nagarcoil Express 16339. DR 12:20 Mumbai Dadar Central Railway Station.
3. BHUJ BRC Special 09458.
4. JAM TEN Express 19578.
5. Tirunelveli Express 11021.
6. TEN Humsafar 19424.
7. HAPA Tirunelveli Superfast Express 12998.
8. Dadar TEN Express 22629.
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